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Refactoring to patterns

The patterns can be found everywhere around us. They symbolize something universal and useful. Something that worked out as a well-known approach to solving a certain group of problems by its effectiveness and reusability. During this training course the participants will examine the examples of refactoring to several well-known design patterns.

Public speaking and self-presentation

Are you afraid to give public speeches? Are you afraid of another failure? During "Public speaking and self-presentation" course you will learn how to speak to make the audience listen to you, how to manage stress, how to avoid certain behaviour, and finally ... how to communicate with broad audiences and the media.

Effective refactoring

Refactoring is theoretically very well-known concept. Virtually everyone has heard of it. Do we know, however, how to approach it in practice? Does not it often happen, that behind the theory there is a desire to write a new code because we do not like it anymore or it is not even suitable for reading and quick understanding anymore? This practical course will show you how to approach refactoring in the smallest possible steps, making it our everyday practice. The course is designed to motivate the software developers to work together and individually on the quality of the code every day - which is needed to deliver a high value code.

Modern applications from React.js

React is a javascript library developed by Facebook and Instagram facilitates creation of a user interface. React.js uses its own virtual DOM tree in which the elements exist. This approach gives us an amazing flexibility and great performance results, because React.js calculates what should change before it updates the real DOM tree.

Mastering Apache Spark

Mastering Apache Spark is an extended workshop designed to familiarize participants with Apache Spark - a well-known engine for fast Big Data processing. "From zero to hero" means that participants do not need to have prior knowledge of Apache Spark, but after this workshop will be able to spin efficient, robust jobs running on Spark cluster starting from day one. They will not only gain general understanding of what Apache Spark is, what its modules are and how they work. The participants will gain insight into the Apache Spark internals. This makes this workshop globally unique, it prepares its graduates not only to start working with the framework, but also makes them right candidates to tackle any problems that might occur on production - the real heroes that each distributed project needs.

Introduction to MongoDB for software developers

There are several reasons why it is worthwhile knowing and considering the use of MongoDB in the project. One of them is the need for horizontal scaling (the moment when adding more drives to the server ceases to be feasible), but it is not the only reason why this base is worth noticing. It is also an alternative to relational databases, when the data scheme is constantly changing, or - what is worse - it is not there at all, or a situation in which the availability of data is most desired by us.